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Photography: Crisis of History

Photography: Crisis of History

Environmental Design

In his works, Joan Fontcuberta, Catalan artist, author and curator, often deals with the question of originality and authorship of artworks. His exhibition “Photography: Crisis of History” takes this to the extreme: Things are not what they seem. For the 7th Triennale der Photographie Hamburg, curators Alison Nordström and Cale Garrido asked us to create an overall visual identity and exhibition design.

  • Conceptual Design
  • Corporate Design
  • Signage
  • Marketing
Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History

Based on a signature field, as it is used for the certification of artworks, we designed a key visual whose typography appears serious and perfect only at first glance.

Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History

A closer look reveals that this is only an illusion: the letters are cut roughly and appear incorrect. The play with supposed improvisation and spontaneity is like a common theme throughout the signage and the entire exhibition architecture.

In the entrance area of Hamburg's Barlach-Halle K, for example, a presentation of the history of photography awaits the visitor. However this seems more like a temporary, homemade solution – and the ends of which are already rolling in.

Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History

Also the pins with the somewhat too big, colorful heads are a little out of place. They – apparently – seem to be the only attachment for many of the image captions.

Photography: Crisis of History

They echo the colours of the three thematic groups, which can also be found in the display cases.

Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History
Photography: Crisis of History

At the end of the exhibition, the visitor makes a surprising discovery in a large, white cube that puts Fontcubertas work in a different light – and also explains the play with the clichés of the exhibition design.